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Tensile Structures


The next generation of superior tension membrane structures are beautifying skylines worldwide. We have the technology to help you do the same.

Shade for large areas. Sun protection and Ultra-violet protection. Design-friendly options for architects and structural professionals. There are so many advantages!

Discovery International together with Sigma Group technical materials from China offers you a world of sophisticated and practical solutions.

Explore the possibilities with us.

Discovery New-age Architectural Membrane Structures are installed to detailed specifications. 

These design-friendly structures are used as:

1.Sun-shade roofs of open air restaurants, cafes, entrances of hotels and other commercial buildings.

2.Uniquely designed roofs for car parks, swimming pools, bus and train stations, walkways at parks, residences, childrens play areas.

3.Large scale sized roofs of open air entertainment centers, stadiums, sports complexes and exhibition centers.

Tensile membrane structures are a perfect combination of architecture and engineering. These structures are light weight, flexible in form, versatile in function and offer a range of dynamic, exciting three dimensional design options.

Tensile membrane structures comes with many advantages for fabric architecture and offer possibilities of structural ingenuity in a range of structural scales. They require minimal number of beautifully crafted components while giving unlimited freedom for imaginative designs. The membrane fabrics used are flexible, durable and comes in a wide range of contemporary colours that adds character to any environment.


Advantages of Discovery New-age Architectural Membrane Structure

1.Can disperse natural light with condensed heat load (Excellent alternative to poly carbonate or glass as roof glazing system).

2.Higher light transmission during the daytime (Sufficient to reduce artificial lighting requirement by 5% - 20%).

3.Absorbs solar energy (4% - 17%) and reduces the heat load.

4.Low maintenance as compared to glass.

5.Minimal site interruption since the membrane structures are manufactured in our factory.

6.No extension joints since the membrane structures are welded into a single weatherproof skin.

7.Designed for rapid construction.

8.Larger span for more coverage.

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